Thursday is Stian's first birthday (I know! Where did this year go?!). We'll be at my parents' house as it's Thanksgiving, so I wouldn't have time to make him a cake for the big day. I wanted to make him his first birthday cake, so I made it this weekend instead. I found a special recipe that didn't have eggs and was very low on sugar. Look how nice it looks:

Unfortunately, it was pretty much a failure. I didn't really think Stian would eat any of the cake as he still has texture issues and really prefers purees or Cheerios (perhaps I should have made a Cheerio cake?) but I thought he'd like the frosting. Not so much. He played in it for a minute, but didn't put any in his mouth, and then he seemed to be scared of the cake and wanted to get away from it. I got him to take a tiny taste of the frosting off my finger, but that was it. Ah well, I tried.