too sleepy for tummy time? S-T-I-A-N! Kris tried to get Stian to do tummy time on the table this morning, but Stian promptly fell asleep. He seemed so cozy (I'm not sure why sleeping on the breakfast nook table is cozy, but it apparently was) so we decided to let him sleep a little. As babies aren't allowed to sleep on their tummies anymore, and the fact he was up on the table, we had to keep vigil while he slept. So Kris pulled up the New York Times Sunday Crossword.

Here's a picture from yesterday as long as I'm posting. As Stian is actually starting to show interest in toys, I put the activity bar back on his bouncy seat. As he kicks with his legs and hits certain spots on the seat the bar lights up and plays music. He was pretty interested in that, although I'm quite sure he didn't get the cause and effect part just yet.

Yesterday was a big day at our house as it was the first time I was away from Stian since he was born and it was the first time Kris had him on his own. Kris has him every morning for a few hours while I sleep, but I'm always just upstairs. But yesterday Kris took him to the recycling center and then in the afternoon I went and got a facial (ah, heaven! Thanks Laura!) and then ran to Target. So Kris and Stian were alone together for 3 1/2 hours. It sounds like everything went just fine. Stian had a couple of bottles (he's on a kick of eating pretty much every hour - fun-fun) and they played and Kris played guitar for him. And I was just fine being away too. :)