We just got back from another trip up north to visit family.
But first, I should mention that a couple of days before we left (on September 17th) we were installing Stian's new car seat in the car and I had laid Stian down on a blanket in the grass next to the car while we read the instructions, and I looked over and Stian was sitting up. That's the first time we know of that he has sat up on his own. He's been doing it quite a bit since then.
Anyway, we headed north on the 20th, and went to my parents' house first. Wayne and Nathaniel were there the first two days. It was rather amusing to watch Nathaniel with Stian. He was a little skeptical, as is evidenced in this picture:

He was interested in Stian, but not too sure. I'm sure he's not overly thrilled with having to share all the attention. Hopefully soon Stian will get to be a playmate for him.
We have been working on finger foods with Stian for awhile. Finally on this trip he seemed to master the art of Cheerio eating.

Here we are going for a walk down the road with my mom and Nathaniel. Look at Nathaniel walking! It's so exciting to see him walking so well!

Later in the day the boys played on the grass while all the adults sat in chairs and watched. What did we do before there were kids around to entertain us?

There's the look again.

You've got a Cheerio stuck on your chin kid.
"No I don't!"

"I do?!"

The next morning Stian hung out with Grandma. I'm sure my mother won't be happy with me for posting this picture as she hadn't showered yet. But I think it's cute!

And then - very exciting! - on Tuesday evening, our last evening there - Stian did this:

He started crawling!!! He really wanted to get to that Herberger's catalog. Poor kid. We kept moving it to get him to crawl more. And then in the end we still wouldn't let him have it because he just wanted to eat it. I guess he was really excited about the sale!
The next morning we headed to Kris's parents' house...