So obviously my parents were here this weekend. We had much fun with them. Stian loved spending time with them and keep track of them at all times: "Where's Grandma? What's Grandma doing? Where's Grandpa? What's Grandpa doing?"
My parents got him a little slide, which he is having a lot of fun with - especially now that he has figured out how to go down it without landing on his face.

We got to see the combine harvesting the soybeans near our house, that was quite interesting, espeically for a little boy who is obsessed with farm implements.

We went for long walks. And Stian did actually walk quite a bit, though we only have evidence of him riding!

We looked at bugs. There was a giant praying mantis on our driveway on Sunday that Stian - and the rest of us - were very impressed with - though we don't have any pictures of that. We also saw a Walking Stick, and that was interesting too. And a few caterpillars.

Horsey rides with Daddy.

Lots of tickles. Stian loves to be tickled: "Again!" "Again!" "More dig-a-dig!" (I say "dig a dig a dig a dig a dig" while tickling him).

My mom was not actually trying to tickle him in the picture below - just to get him to sit in her lap. But Stian was being too squirmy, giggly to cooperate.

And lots and lots of upside down - one of Stian's favorite things. Look at all the blonde hair!

My Aunt Joanne and Uncle Tom also came for a visit on Sunday. They live in New Jersey but were in Indiana to go to the Notre Dame football game, so they came down and spent the afternoon and evening with us on sunday. We had a very nice visit with them, but somehow we managed to get no photo evidence of their visit!
Thanks for a nice weekend Grandma and Grandpa! I have a feeling some little guy is going to miss you!