Unfortunatley, Stian didn't really like the show this year. It was just too noisy for him. His noise sensitivity is getting really bad. It wasn't even all that loud. Because it was so early they didn't have many of the steam engines or tractors or anything running yet, so there were just a few. But Stian kept crying that it was too loud and he was scared and he wanted to be carried and he wanted to go home. Oy. I'm not sure how to handle this noise sensitivity. Perhaps we just need to bring the noise canceling headphone that Kris wears mowing and Stian wears at home during thunder storms. He'll look ridiculous, but maybe he would actually enjoy himself. I hope he outgrows this.
The other problem might be that we don't have a stroller for him anymore. The one we had been using that was a hand-me-down from Klebo broke in the cargo hold of the airplane on the flight back from our cruise in April. I'm not sure if he'd feel secure in a stroller, but carrying around a 37 lb kid for an hour or more is not a lot of fun for either Kris or me. I hate to buy a new stroller at this point though. That, and I just can't find one that will meet our needs.
Anyway, we were able to get him to look at a few things without flipping out. We probably stayed about an hour, that was all he could handle. And that was all about Kris and I could handle of carrying him and listening to him yell and cry.

He did like the little combine toy we bought him while we were there though.