Between Stian having the stomach flu for about a week and then me having the stomach flu for about a week, we haven't taken too many pictures or movies lately, and I haven't had much energy to do any posting. I'm starting to feel better, so thought I better post something before I get in trouble with the grandmas!
Here are a couple of videos from recently.
Stian flying a kite.
And Stian playing with his balance bike. This is a loaner. Notice it has no pedals? The idea is to get them to learn how to ride it and balance on it without worrying about pedals, then they can progress to a bike with pedals and no training wheels. That's the theory anyway. And it worked for the woman who loaned the bike to us. Her boys learned to ride bikes without training wheels very young. So we'll see. So far the bike is just a tiny bit too tall for Stian, so he it very unstable on it. So for now he walks it around. Even that is a start though, as it takes some practice to walk with it without it falling over on you.