They went on to add that we would need to make sure that she is gaining weight feeding only by mouth. So, that adds an extra twist. But it does tell me that if things continue to progress, we are getting ever closer to taking her home.
Now, the reason they fed her through the tube at 2:00 this morning was that she wasn't awake enough to take a bottle. The nurse today said that maybe if the tube hadn't been there, they might have had more incentive to wake her up--and not have to put in a tube. I'm not saying that they should have done that last night--it might not have been time yet. But, the nurse today cleared it with the doctor and they removed the tube for tonight. So, for the first time since she was born--those first 24 hours--she doesn't have a tube of some sort in her nose or mouth.

The OT and PT folks came by, too, today, and gave their assessment. Nothing in the assessment would delay her going home. There are some things we need to work on, of course, but it is all stuff we can do at home.