We made it over to the fair today. Stian had a great time. When we were walking to the car after we were all done I asked him if he had had fun and his response was "I really loved it!" We didn't make it past the midway as it was very, very hot. So Stian and Kris did the rides and played some games, and then we headed home again. It would have been fun to go look at the tractors and animals and all of that, but I thought Silje had had about enough at that point. Though she was a trooper and wasn't complaining, I was worried about her overheating.
We had to go straight to the bumper cars because Stian wanted to know if he would be big enough this year to ride them. Sadly, he was not. He'll have to grow another two inches by next summer to ride them then. He took the news pretty well.

So we wandered off and found a bunch of rides that he could go on.

I was really surprised he wanted to go on this one. He was okay with it at first.

But then it got to be too much for him and Kris asked them to stop it so they could get off. Fortunately they were the only ones on the ride, so it was no big deal. Stian didn't cry or anything, but when he came over to me after he got off he said "it was a bit much for me."

Back to more tame rides.

And games. Stian won a little stuffed duck, and Kris won him a Winnie the Pooh Bear.

And then finally a treat.

Yes, Silje and I were there too - but we spent most of the time jumping from shady spot to shady spot. And I kept wetting her down with water and fanning her. I didn't even get any fun fair food this year (that's Kris's ice cream cone in my hand in the next picture, I don't like soft serve). I really wanted mini doughnuts and they didn't have any. So I had a fresh squeezed lemonaid and that was it. Ah well. Better for my cholesterol I guess!