On Wednesday we went with Kris's parents to Southwestern Minnesota. We wanted to go to the farm where Kris's dad grew up, stop by the cemetary there and then over to visit Kris's Aunt Ikey and Uncle Donald.
The farm where Kris's dad grew up is near Storden, which is in Southwestern Minnesota. The cemetary was right near the farm. We went to the cemetary first. Many people on Kris's dad's side of the family are buried here, including his great grandparents, his grandparents, his uncles, some cousins, etc. There are many "Skjervold"s on the gravestones here.

Here is a picture of the four K/Christian Klebos - the first was Kris's great grandfather, the second is Kris's dad, Kris is the third, and Stian is the fourth.

This is the grave of Kris's dad's parents.

Next we went to the farm. This is the farm where Kris's dad grew up. No one lives there now, the farm house burned down a number of years ago. A neighbor now farms the fields for them.

When we were done at the farm we went to St. James to visit with Uncle Donald and Aunt Ikey. Kris's dad was one of 5 boys. Only two are still alive - the oldest, Donald, and the youngest, Kris's dad. Kris had a very special bond with Ikey when he was little. She came to play with him all the time. Stian seemed to like her right away too.

It was a long day, but it was a good day. And Stian did great in the car that long.