Classes are over at Purdue. I just need to calculate final grades and submit them. I don't teach over the summer so I have a more flexible schedule. I still need to do research, but we're trying out a new schedule. I'll work full time Monday through Thursday, and Stian will be in daycare, and then we'll take Fridays off. Today was our first Friday off. We had fun! It was nice to have a whole day with just me and Stian. We went to the library this morning, but he was tired, so we didn't stay that long. We came home and he took a long nap. This afternoon we were going to go to the park, but it was raining, so we played outside while it was still just sprinkling, and then inside once it really started to rain. But then he seemed to be tired again, so I tried putting him down for another nap late this afternoon and he went right to sleep for another hour. I guess he needed to get caught up on his sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to get enough done on Monday through Thursday so that we can keep this schedule.
Once Kris got home we had dinner and then played outside as it had stopped raining.

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