Kris brought it home from work today. We left it in the back of the car until after dinner as we knew it would be near impossible to pry him off of it to go eat. So after dinner Kris snuck outside and set it out on the driveway and took pictures of Stian coming out the door and seeing it. He was very excited. He hasn't figured out the pedals yet, but that's pretty advanced, I imagine that will take awhile. But so far so good. He played with it for over an hour this evening, and it was darn near impossible to pry him off of it when it was time to go to bed!
Oh - and after we were done taking pictures Kris had to move the bell from his old bike to this one because he was asking for it. Fortunately it was easy enough to do.

He's getting too big way too fast!! But it's so much fun to watch. Thanks for the pictures.
Too cute! How very clever of you to think about taking photos as he saw the trike. I totally need to think to do that! And wow, Klebo's tractor trike is totally awesome.
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