We took Stian to the Indianapolis Zoo this morning. I'd been leary of taking him since it takes a little over an hour to get down there and I knew it would mess with his napping. But we decided to give it a shot today. It went really well.
Stian wasn't so sure about it at first. The first exhibit we saw were of the seals and they were getting fed so they were quite active and noisy and I think they scared Stian. Then we went on the walruses. I had no idea walruses were so big! Surely I've seen one in a zoo before, but I was pretty surprised at how enormous they were. Especially one of them. It could stand with its tail flippers at the bottom of the tank and keep its head out of the water - I swear it was about 12 feet tall. Stian didn't really like the walruses either. Who can blame him? They are a little disconcerting.

Next we went to the desert exhibit though, and he enjoyed that. He liked the turtles and birds and lizards there. They weren't moving too fast, that problaby helped get him warmed up. Then he saw the meerkats, he really liked watching them.

Then we got the zebras, and Stian liked those a lot too - just like on his pajamas! He watched them for quite a long time.

The giraffes were also a big hit.

He wasn't so sure about the rhinos, but they were just kind of laying there like big rocks.

The elephants were pretty cool. Kris and I are pretty sure the elephant on the right below is Tombi, the one whose birthday party we went to many years ago.

And he kinda liked, but wasn't too sure of, the komodo dragon. Which is just as well, as they are really rather creapy.

And what did Stian keep asking for at the zoo? "Tractor!" Sadly Stian, this zoo didn't appear to have a tractor like the
zoo in Lafayette. Unfortunately it started to rain pretty hard after we had been there for a little over two hours so we left. I don't think Stian would have lasted too much longer anyway though.
The trip did mess with his nap schedule, he slept on the ride home a little, and he's in his crib now, but I keep hearing him move around over the monitor, so I'm not really sure he's sleeping up there