First cousin Klebo, Daddy and Grandpa all had to get quick trims to show Stian how much fun and non-scary it is to get your hair cut.

He was interested enough when they were getting their hair cut, but it was still downright scary when it came time to get his cut. So to distract him we sat in the window and watched cars drive by and talked about the pick-up truck parked across the street. I wanted to keep the top long and just get rid of the mullet look, so Auntie Karin put his hair in two little pig tails and snipped it off. This also provided me with two cute little pigtails to stick away somewhere to remember just how blonde he was as a baby! I'm sure his white blonde hair won't last based on the current color of Kris's and my hair.

She was able to sneak and trim it up and make it more even later in the evening when we were outside playing with trucks on the picnic table. He looks like such a big boy now.
First hair cuts are rough -- especially for Mommy!!
I remember!
Too cute! I love the pigtails.
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