Stian is quite sick. He's running a high fever and has a nasty cough and is wheezing. We ended up at Urget Care this morning because although it doesn't look like he's having trouble breathing, that wheezing was just getting to me and Kris. Turns out he has croup. He's on steroids now, hopefully that will kick in soon. He seems to feel okay once he's good and medicated up with Tylenol, but he's not eating much and he's not terribly active.
It was awfully nice of the farmers to come and bale up the oat mix across the street yesterday afternoon. Sitting on Daddy and watching the tractors was a great activity for a little boy who loves tractors and doesn't feel well.

I'm so sorry our little fellow is sick! Glad you were able to find medicine that will help, and it's so nice of your neighbors to find the perfect entertainment. I hope he feels much better SOON!!
The croup? That sounds like an illness out of Little House on the Prairie! Kids still get it? Poor little guy. Totally awesome about the timing on the balers!
Poor little guy. I hope he feels better very soon. :(
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