A couple of days before Christmas Auntie Karin let Stian open one of his gifts - a teddy bear! Stian loves her. He named her Huggy Bear after one of Grandma's teddy bears that he likes to borrow when we are visiting. Stian loves stuffed animals. He has a million of them, and sleeps with about 15 in his bed every night. I'm not sure how he fits. So he was thrilled with Huggy Bear.

The amount of snow in Minnesota was amazing. They have had a record snowfall so far this year. I wish we had gotten a picture of it. Here Stian and Klebo get ready to go play out in the snow. Obviously as a Minnesota kid, Klebo is very well prepared!

We spent Christmas Eve at Karin, Brad and Klebo's house. The little girl in the pictures is J.J., she is Brad's graddaughter from his first marriage. It's a bit complicated but J.J. comes to stay with them pretty much every other weekend because her Daddy (Brad's daughter's ex-boyfriend) is currently living with Karin and Brad. See, I told you it's complicated. She's a very sweet little girl, shes's about 9 months younger than Stian. They had fun playing together.

They got to open a couple of presents on Christmas Eve.

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