Stian has gotten so good at his balance bike. We bought him a two-wheeler with pedals this week, but it's too tall, and unfortunately they just don't make them any shorter. It'd be fine if he were going to use training wheels or if he were already confident on a two-wheeler with pedals. But he can just touch with his tippy-toes, and he's just not comfortable with it. It's too bad because I think he could totally do it if he could just feel comfortable enough to try. So hopefully his little legs will grow just a little bit more soon so he can give it a go. In the meantime he's happy on his balance bike.
is it a 12 or 10 incher?
He's too friggin' cute! Give him a couple more months and try again maybe.
If we come this summer, Stian can teach my girls to ride without training wheels! That is so cool!
Who takes your pictures? If it's you, you need to be the official LASS photographer.
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