Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stuffed Animals and Snack Trap

Stian loves his stuffed animals. Loves them. He is so cute. He has learned how to say "hi." He says it in this little high pitched voice - in higher than his normal voice - and he says it as though it's two syllables: "Hi-ee!" So he says "Hi-ee!" to his stuffed animals all the time. It is often followed by a big hug.

Here is Stian loving on Brent the Beaver (named by Klebo) and Click and Clack the twin mice (all three gifts from Auntie Karin):

And yesterday, when I was looking for something else in Stian's closet, I came across this Snack Trap that Laura gave us and realized Stian was probably old enough for it now. It's an ingenious little thing that has a top where Stian can reach in and grab Cheerios but not spill them. Well, he can spill a few, but not as many as if we gave him a normal bowl of Cheerios. He loves it! He's so excited to have control over getting his Cheerios. (And thanks to Klebo for the Bull Dozer shirt!)


laurafingerson said...

That last photo with his little smile and sticky-uppie hair is *so* cute! That is super neat about Stian and his stuffed animals -- it is so caring and he's starting to imagine that they are alive. It's so interesting. Hooray for the snack trap and having more control over one's life!

laurafingerson said...

(By the way, Anna-Sofia is playing with the purse you gave her for Christmas at this very moment! Thank you, again!!)

Jeni said...

We thought about naming the twin mice Sunny and Ace, and then maybe since they are identical twins Madeline and Olivia (after Stian's cousins). But Kris didn't think either set of girls would be terribly thrilled with having stuffed mice named after them. So we settled on Click and Clack - and now we're going to name all of his future stuffed animals after people on NPR. ;)

laurafingerson said...

That would be hilarious if Stian had a whole set of "guys" (as Ace calls her stuffed animals) named after NPR folk! Nerdy parents *rule*!