Sunday, June 28, 2009


We discovered while out for a walk last night that Stian knows his ABCs. We were pretty shocked. We were singing, like we often do on our walks, and we happend to be singing the ABCs. We paused, and he filled in what came next. We were floored, so we kept testing him, and he kept doing it right! How does he know this? Isn't he a tad young to know this? We tried to get it on video tonight, but of course it's never as good when you pull out the camera. And he was distracted at the end by... well, you'll see...


Grandma Loftus said...

Oh my gosh -- I can't believe that little guy!! You better start saving for private schools right now!!


laurafingerson said...

Kids learn everything! From you and daycare! How cool that he surprised you, too. That is *great*! Very cute.

laurafingerson said...

I have to add that I am in a coffee shop (girls are at my parents - my first non-girl time in 4 weeks!) and I put the headphones on to listen to Stian. ;)