Sunday, August 23, 2009


I’m sitting here listening to Stian over the monitor. He’s supposed to be napping, but instead he is singing:

“Wheels on the bus, round and round
Wheels on the bus, round and round
Driver on the bus, move on back
People on the bus, bumpy bump
All through the town.”

It’s not quite right, but it’s darn close! He’s been doing this a lot recently. We went for a bike ride before his nap and he was in the trailer behind me singing:

“Bah, bah, black sheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
One for my master
One for my dame
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.”

He’s not quite on key, but then again, perhaps he takes after his mother on that front.

He also appears to have learned Happy Birthday at school recently as he’s been running around singing “Happy Birthday to Mommy! Happy Birthday to Mommy!” which is rather timely as Friday is my birthday!

Now, if he would just stop singing so he could take a nap that would be good!

1 comment:

Omrithekat said...

Awesome job, Stian! Those are a lot of lyrics to remember!