Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another new trike

This kid has more bikes than he knows what to do with. He's got the one Grandma and Grandpa Loftus bought him for his birthday last year, he has the one on loan from a guy Kris works with, and now he has a hand-me-down trike from Cousin Nate. My parents brought it for Stian this weekend. He loves it. He pretty much only wanted to ride it this weekend. The problem is that he can't reach the pedals or the ground when he is sitting on it. So he has to be pushed. To save our backs my very clever husband found us a tool.

Stian is very good at steering the trike, so it works well. Unfortunately the trike is rather top heavy and Stian turned the handlebars too sharply and took a nasty fall right on his face on Sunday. There was lots of blood. I rushed him inside to make sure he hadn't lost a tooth or cut his lip so badly that he needed stitches. But he was okay. He was crying really hard. But I think the thing that was making him the most upset was that we had rushed inside because he kept saying, through his sobbing "outside! ride bike!" He wanted to get right back on the bike and go again. So it didn't scare him too badly, even though it scared me!

Now he has a fat lip with a concrete burn on it.

And some other tricks we figured out. He was rather proud of himself for this one.

And I was rather proud of myself for this one.

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

I wondered what was up with his poor lip -- hooray for Stian surviving his first trike fall! More will come, I'm sure. The photos look really great. Stian is so smiley and giggly!!