Friday, December 11, 2009

First joke and first parent-teacher conference

Stian told his first joke yesterday while riding in the car with Daddy on his was home from school. It went like this:

Kris: What does a green light mean?
Stian: Green light means go!
Kris: What does a red light mean?
Stian: Red light means stop!
Kris: What does a yellow light mean?
Stian: Clear the intersection! :pause: And black light means BOO!

And then he laughed for the next couple of miles. I have no idea what it means, but I still think it's funny.

We also had Stian's first parent-teacher conference at his school on Monday. It was really interesting. He has met all of the milestones he should have by this age, and they have started working on his three year milestones with him. Not terribly surprisingly, he has met all of the language milestones for a three year old already. Overall he is, apparently, a pretty easy kid in class - easy going, talkative, funny. He does get upset when someone touches his toy cars he brings from home, so they are working on that with him. And he is a bit of a loner. Most kids his age still engage in parallel play, but some interact with each other more. Stian doesn't so much yet. That doesn't surprise me, I think he's a little slow to warm and a little more reserved than some of the other kids in his class. Hopefully he will start learning to play with the other kids soon. They also gave us a bunch of ideas for fun activities to do with him at home, so we've been doing some of those. Overall it was a good conference and it sounds like Stian is doing well.


laurafingerson said...

Too funny -- I *love* Stian's joke! And, of course, it is hilarious that he was laughing about it for the next few miles. That is also super interesting about what the teachers said about him. Super smarty Stian! What types of games did they recommend you play?

Grandma Loftus said...

I love Stian's joke too. I'll bet Kris was laughing right along with him for a few miles!

I'm guessing that some of Stian's classmates have older siblings or neighbor friends to play with at home. Stian will catch up with them in the playing department. And of course we all know that he is brilliant and adorable!!