Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A month in pictures

We've just been so busy lately. We take pictures, but don't have the time to do anything with them. Thought I'd do a quick and dirty post tonight with pictures from the last month without much commentary.

Kris and Stian made this racing boat from paperboard.

Stian and I made this airplane from a big box.

Power Rangers birthday party!

Mardi Gras!

Laura came for a visit, and this is our only picture of it.

Monster Truck Jam!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Chocolates! Yum!

Kris and Stian went to a University of Memphis Tigers Basketball game. Can you say "nosebleed seats"?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I was having withdrawal!!

Charlene said...

Yeah, new pictures. Loved them all. Don't be fooled by anoymous, I think I'm related to her.