Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Great Smokey Mountains - Part 2

We headed back up into the mountains on our second day.  This time to get out and see some nature - go for a scenic drive and a hike and have a picnic.  We attempted the hike up to Rainbow Falls, but it was 2.9 miles one direction, so we didn't make it.  Stian just couldn't/wouldn't go that far.  But the hike that we did do - at least a mile each direction - was still beautiful.

Silje let me wear her some, but mostly she either wanted to walk or ride on Daddy's shoulders.

Stian spotted this cool spiderweb floating over the trail.  He was quite observant of all sorts of interesting small things that we missed.  

Our scenic drive took us past several old homesteads in the mountains.  While it was gorgeous there, I cannot imagine what it must have been like to live there.  On this homestead there was a married couple and their 9 children.

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