Before naptime on the weekends and before bedtime every night Stian and I sit in the rocking chair in his room and talk. This is after he has gotten in his jammies and brushed his teeth and we've read stories and turned out the lights. We talk for a few minutes while he sits on my lap and we rock and cuddle and then I sing him a few songs and put him in his crib.
We've had a few interesting conversations lately. The other day before nap time the conversation went like this:
Stian: What would you see if you cracked open the sky?
Me: (pause - thinking: wow, deep question) How would you crack open the sky?
Stian: With a hammer.
Me: (pause - thinking)
Stian: What would you see?
Me: What do you think you would see?
Stian: (pause, thinking) A car!
Okay - so not so deep afterall.
And then the conversation tonight before bed:
Stian: What's a captain?
Me: A captain drives a ship.
Stian: does he sit in a chair?
Me: Yes
Stian: Does he have a steering wheel?
Me: Yes
Stian: Does he drive the life boat?
Me: Yes. It's quiet time Stian, put your head down and I'll sing to you.
(Stian rests his head on a my shoulder for about 10 seconds while I sing - then he lifts his head again and looks at me)
Stian: Do captains have eyebrows?
Me: (laughing) yes, captians have eyebrows.
Stian: Do they have eyelids?
Me: Yes
Stian: do they have eyelashes?
Me: Yes
Stian: Do they blink their eyes?
Me: (laughing again) Yes Stian, they blink their eyes, they're people. Shhh - It's quiet time now.
Stian: okay