We had three mini suites right in a row and were able to open up the doors between the balconies and go back and forth that way. It was quite handy and we spent quite a bit of time hanging out on the balconies. The weather was beautiful and the seas calm (except for the last day which was quite rough).
Here's Stian and Grandpa hanging out on the balcony.

The evening of the first night was a formal night. So we all got gussied up.

Apparently I'm the only one in this family who knows how to pose for a family photo.

Kris and Stian demonstrating the "scary smile."

Dinners were a challenge with Stian. They lasted about two hours, and that is just too much to ask of a two year old. There was just no way he was going to sit still for that long. So we had to really work at keeping him entertained and not fussing and not getting under the feet of the servers. I used a couple of tricks including brining a new book to dinner each night and a new little Matchbox car. But that only went so far. We usually ended up pulling out my iphone and some ear buds and let him watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. That was a hit. He's never seen it before as he doesn't watch TV. But it was recommended to me so I had downloaded the first season onto my iphone for this very purpose and he really loved it. Thank goodness for iphones!

After dinner we would usually take Stian wandering around the boat. We would mostly go to the pool area as he loved watching people in the pools. Non-potty trained kids are not allowed in the pools, so he couldn't go in. He accepted that as I told him it was only for big kids and grown ups. But he still liked to watch. He could also run around up there in the evenings as there were very few people on the pool decks that time of night. He also liked to go and watch people play ping pong.
This picture was taken before his hair cut. It was getting so long. I actually really like it that way, but I also like having Karin cut his hair, and we probably won't see her again until June or July, and he might have beeen a little too shaggy, even for me, if we had let it go that long.

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