First Stian insisted he needed to fix the "bowers" on all of the bikes. I have no idea what "bowers" are, but they needed to be fixed and to be cleaned, that's for sure.

Then we got out the kite Grandma and Grandpa brought with them. That was much fun. It was rather windy this evening, so it worked a little better to tie a rag onto the kite strings to give it a little weight - in case you're wondering what that is.

And then Kris and Stian went for a drive. Carseats Shmarseats. Okay, okay, Stian just helped Kris pull his car into the garage.

What a fun time you all had tonight!
I just love watching Stian grow. His vocabulary is amazing...Please keep doing videos, too :~)
I'm so happy that you are all enjoying the kite. I have always loved kites myself.
Sure wish I knew what a "bower" was though. Maybe when he gets a little older he can explain it to us. I thought he was going to be a linguist (however you spell it) but maybe an engineer!?! So many options when you are 2 1/2 years old!
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