Monday, October 27, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa come for a visit

My parents came for a visit this weekend. They were planning on coming anyway, but they came a day early to help distract us. It was really nice to have them here. We unfortunately didn't get any pictures of my folks while they were here. But we did get some pictures of the evidence.

They brought Stian a bike cart.

And my mom made Stian a pumpkin hat.

And then a few more pictures from the weekend. Here Stian pulled himself up on the dishwasher. He later tried to crawl all the way up into the dishwasher.

And here he is trying to go up the stairs to the second floor. We didn't really encourage that. But he is very good at the two stairs that go down into the living room. Or rather, he is very good at going up them, but not down them.


Anonymous said...

Who in the world would want to see pictures of Grandma and Grandpa when pictures of Stian are so darned cute!!! He is such a sweetheart!

Love, Grandma

laurafingerson said...

Wow, pulling up, crawling, going up stairs -- yay!! Go Stian! He is super cute in all those photos (not like he isn't super cute all the time!). The pumpkin hat is, of course, great. And yay for the bike trailer! I'm so glad your parents were there this past week. We've been thinking about you three and your pups a lot.