Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poor Little Guy

We ended up in the ER last night.

Stian has had a nasty cold for several days. He's been miserable at night. He has cried for hours on end. But he would calm down if we held him. He just cried in his crib. So we could eventually get him to sleep with lots of cuddles and patience. A couple times it took close to 3 hours, but we could eventually get him to calm down and go to sleep.

But last night he would just not stop crying. Cuddling and patting and shushing wasn't working. So after two and half hours we talked to the nurse help line and they said to take him to the ER.

So off we went. We didn't have to wait as long in the ER as I thought we would. Stian was running a fever of about 102. Incidentally, he now weighs 27 pounds. Finally a doctor came and took a look at him. He has a nasty ear infection in his left ear. So that explains all the crying. Poor little guy.

So we got a perscription for amoxicillin and went on our way. We stopped at the pharmacy on the way home. We got him good and drugged up on Tylenol, Motrin and Amoxicillin. He finally got to sleep around midnight. The ER nurse told me to wake him up to give him his pain meds. So I woke him up at 4:00. He was not at all happy about that. But he went right back to sleep. Then he woke up at 6:45 and was not happy. But he calmed down pretty quickly and was happy. He played until about 8:45 and then went down for a nap. He's napping now.

I hope he starts to feel better! Poor little guy!


Anonymous said...

Poor littel fellow! Unfortunately, ear infections seem to go with babyhood. Hope the medication fixes him up good as new real soon.

laurafingerson said...

Oh that is so sad - poor Stian! Poor parents!! Yay for the inventors of amoxicillin! I feel so badly for babies in pain because it is so hard for them to understand what is happening. I feel so badly for *parents* of babies in pain because it is so hard to understand what is happening to the poor nonverbal baby! Hopefully he'll heal soon.