Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Day with Daddy

Stian has pink eye. The doctor thinks it's likely bacterial and not viral, so it shouldn't be contagious. But just to be safe we kept him home from daycare today. Because I teach on Tuesdays Kris stayed home with him. Stian actually seems okay now that he is on antibiotics and his eyes aren't all glued shut. So mostly they just had a fun day today.

I guess Stian was great for Kris. The last time Kris watched Stian during a nap time Stian refused to nap for him, so I was a little worried that he would do that again today. But when Kris went upstairs to put him down for his nap and sat in the rocking chair with him for a few minutes like I normally do before putting him down, Stian just pointed at the crib and said "Nie" - as in "Ni-Ni." I guess he was ready to go to sleep! So Kris put him in his crib and he took a nice long three hour nap.

It was cool today, but they went outside and played for a few minutes with Stian's bike. It looks like they were having fun while I was at work!


laurafingerson said...

So sad about Stian with pink eye! :( It's miserable as an older child or as an adult, but I can't imagine how miserable it must be as a one year old. That is really great that Kris got a day alone with Stian (since Stian was well enough to play).

Anonymous said...

Sorry our little guy is sick -- but looks like he had a good day with Daddy. Seems like most kids don't grow up without pink eye sometime along the way. I'm sure he'll be feeling fine in a day or two.