Thursday, May 27, 2010


By the way, it says in his parent-teacher conferences write up that he speaks in 4-6 word sentences, but he can speak in much longer sentences than that. An example of a sentence he said to me yesterday that made me laugh:

"When I am a Mommy I will wear earrings and sleep in a Mommy bed."

It's probably a good thing Kris and I don't get too worked up about gender issues with Stian. In fact, I like hearing him say things like this because it means he hasn't had what it means to be a boy in our culture drilled into his head quite so thuroughly yet. Even though he does love all modes of trasportation and getting dirty, gender is still fluid for him, which I like. I'd like it if it stayed that way, and he felt comfortable expressing himself both in traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine ways. But I'm sure it won't. Our society does a pretty good job of making it clear to little boys about how they must act.

But the point of this post is his sentences. He can speak in quite complicated sentences, more so than the write-up suggests.

1 comment:

Grandma Loftus said...

It should make you feel good that he wants to be like his mommy. I'm sure he wants to be like his daddy too. Maybe that means that he will grow up to be a loving, sensative, hardworking, hardplaying, fun and funny and creative and thoughtful man. What could be better than that!!