Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had a really fun Halloween today. First we went to brunch at our friends' Mike and Gary's, and that was really nice. Stian had fun there too. He kept telling us afterwrads how much he liked Mike and Gary (they are awfully nice). While we were there some other friends gave us some advice on where to take Stian trick or treating. No one goes in our neighborhood - I suppose the houses are too far apart. So we knew we had to drive somewhere. We missed it in Battle Ground as they did trick or treating on Friday night there and Kris was in class Friday night. So we got advice to go to this really nice old neighborhood in Lafayette. Our friends told us there are tons of kids there, and lots of young kids especially, so it will start early.

This was great advice. The neighborhood was so much fun. It was so festive with lots and lots of people out and about. And lots of the people who lived there were sitting on their stoops and there were a bunch who had fires going in outdoor fireplace thingies. It was great. Stian had so much fun. He wasn't so sure at first. You may remember that last year he had swine flu on Halloween so he didn't get to go trick or treating. So he didn't really get the whole concept, as much as we had tried to explain it to him. But once he saw what he was supposed to do, and he saw all of the other kids in their costumes, he started to have a blast. There was much giggling and laughing as we walked around. It was a very nice evening. And the best part was that someone gave him a purple dum dum sucker. Dum dums are his favorite and purple is his favorite color, so he was so excited to eat that sucker on the ride home! He probably would have been happy if that was the only thing he got. Though he's pretty excited about the Tootsie Rolls too...

We noticed when we got home that Susan had her porch light on, so we went over there to trick or treat too. So Stian got to see Susan and Dave, and he got some cookies from them. They liked his costume, and then he took it off and got to show them the Halloween shirt he was wearing underneith that says "The creature from next door!" - which was fitting.


Grandma Loftus said...

I am so happy that you had a good day and that Stian had such fun!! He even wore the pumpkin hat!!

And the creature from next door t-shirt for Dave and Susan was perfect!

laurafingerson said...

That's awesome!!!!