Friday, May 25, 2012

First Words

Silje is starting to use some words. I'd say her first word is probably "baby". She uses this for pretty much any toy that has a face, or a picture of a baby. She uses it mostly with her doll and her stuffed monkey. But she also used it the other day with Stian's monster finger puppet and with a picture of a baby on a package. She also says "that" or rather "dat". She'll point at something she wants and say "dat, dat, dat, dat" until someone hands it to her. She also says "hi". I think she says "bye" too. And she has a word for "Stian" that sounds a little like "Dian". She uses "Mommom" and "dada" some too. It's so fun to hear her start using language. It's fun to see her language understanding expanding too.

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