Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Silje has reached a few milestones recently. First, she finally has a tooth coming through. Her first tooth at 14 months! That's very late! I haven't been able to get a picture of it because she barely lets me look at it. I don't think either Kris or Stian have even seen it yet.

Another milestone is block stacking. I remember this from parent teacher conferences with Stian that being able to stack blocks is a milestone. I just googled the age at which they should be able to do this, and apparently 4 blocks is 17-25 months, and here she is with 5! She may be delayed in her acquisition of teeth and her gross motor skills, but she's a pretty smart little girl!

Up until now she's been really uninterested in finger foods, and we haven't pushed it because she would gag and then puke when I fed her anything other than purees. But suddenly she's been eating them. But she prefers to use a fork (just like her daddy). She's pretty good at it really. (the conversation between me and Stian in the background is also kind of funny. That's so Stian, always with a million questions.)


laurafingerson said...

So, it looks like she didn't want to eat solids until she could do it all by herself, including with a fork!! Too funny.

Grandma Loftus said...

Just like her mom -- you didn't do anything until you could do it perfectly!