Monday, October 29, 2007

Billions and billions of spiders

Yesterday we noticed the strangest thing - spider webs everywhere! When the sun started to set we could see just how many of them there were. This is the field across the street from our house:

The field is about 100 acres, and the whole thing was covered in webs like this. Incredible.

The bizarre thing was that as we drove into town to meet friends for dinner we noticed all of the fields were covered in spider webs. Amazing. I'm not sure I even want to contemplate how many spiders it took to do all of that! But it sure was pretty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right -- it's really beautiful but the thought of that many spiders is kind of scary! Did you hear from anyone why this happened? I do remember reading somewhere that, at any moment in your life, you are never more than 5 feet away from a spider!! That's a little scary too!