Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rough Day

Today has been a very rough day. I don't know what is going on with Stian today, but he spent most of the day either crying or nursing. I finally thought to put him in his swing this afternoon. He loves his swing. That thing has been a lifesaver. Thanks to Wayne and Kelly for loaning it to us! He sleeps in it a fair amount. It worked to calm him down this afternoon and he finally slept for a half an hour. But then he woke up crying again and we went back to nursing and crying. Oy.

Then Kris finally came home and gave me a break. It also occured to me to try a pacifier. He took the pacifier and fell asleep again for twenty minutes or so. Then of course he woke up fussing again. But now he's sitting awake with Daddy and seems to be fairly happy for the time being.

Let's hope tonight is okay and he is in a better mood tomorrow for his 8 week check-up. But of course he's getting vaccinations tomorrow, so if he starts the day happy, he may not end it happy!

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

Your swing swings sideways? Not front to back? How weird! I haven't seen one like that but it makes me dizzy just thinking about it. Of course, thinking about being swaddled puts me in a panic and for my girls, the tighter the swaddle the better. They couldn't move at all and they loved it. Scary arms! Keep them away! ;) I am sorry to hear it was such a rough day! He's lucky he's so cute, that Stian!