Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Hey - look at us! I decided to give the slings another try. This is one of the slings that Kelly loaned us. Stian *hated* it at first. He screamed and cried for the first couple of minutes he was in it, then he konked out. I'm not sure I really have him in there quite right - he looks rather uncomfortable. Kris and I were just talking last night about whether babies can get kinks in their necks - I sure hope not, because Stian must have a permanent kink in his neck.

Okay, so he just woke up screaming and crying. This may not be quite as wonderful as I thought it was going to be. Either that or Stian just figured out I was sitting in front of my computer again. He seems to hate my computer as he fusses and cries pretty much whenever I have him with me in front of it. Although he has fallen back asleep again. So we shall see. I guess it's a little experiment...

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

Did he hate having his head tucked into the sling? So you can't even see him? One of my girls liked sitting up, like Stian is, and one of them liked lying more prone, across my belly. Of course, all that shifting doesn't make things easy, either. Other friends' babies never liked the sling, but loved the snugli. Babies. What are you supposed to do?! Not sleep or type on the computer, apparently.