Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Family of Four

Now we are adjusting to being a family of four. Stian is doing pretty well with it, but definitely has his moments of jealousy. We are all lucky that Silje is a very mellow baby. It makes it much easier for Stian that she is pretty calm. Yesterday we took them both to the library, then the farmers' market and then Menards. Silje didn't cry or fuss at all during the outing. Stian would have cried most of the time at her age. I'm happy for Stian that Silje is so chill. I think it would be really hard on him if she demanded so much attention from us all the time. And today we took them to the park and out to lunch. So far it's going pretty well.


Grandma Loftus said...

Just a slight period of adjustment. They'll be fine -- you'll all be fine. said...

We hope you are all adjusting. The children are so cute.
David and Leanne