Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Silje's First Pediatrician Appointment

Silje has seen about a million different specialists, but yesterday was her first appointment with her normal pediatrician. The appointment was pretty uneventful, except that he thought she looked really good. She's up to 9 lbs 4 oz too, which is great. That means she is still gaining weight now that we are home. We will see him again in two weeks, and if she is still gaining well we can take her off of the fortified breastmilk. Right now she nurses primarily, but gets two bottles a day of breastmilk with formula added to up it's caloric value to help her gain weight. Heart babies often have a hard time gaining weight because they get so exhausted from breastfeeding that they quit before they get enough. So this will be another sign that she is getting stronger.

Here are two pictures I took of her smiling yesterday. She is just starting to do a "social smile" - as they call it. So a smile in response to someone, not just some random smile that babies do in the beginning. She's not consistent in it, but I can sometimes get her to smile by talking to her. She also smiles at the ceiling fan sometimes (.just like big brother used to) but I'm not sure that's really a social smile.

And then a cute picture of big brother. He's still having some issues adjusting to life with another little person in the house, but we've been home less than a week, so hopefully it will get easier with time. He's just been acting up more and being more difficult. Though he doesn't say he has any problems with Silje, and doesn't really appear to, I would expect this acting up is in reaction to her. It might also just be adjusting back to having Mommy and Daddy home again after so long and figuring out where those boundaries lie again.


Grandma Loftus said...

They are both beautiful and I know they are going to be just fine. I'm so happy to hear that Silje is doing so well -- she already is changing since last week!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh! Could they look any cuter? Or healthier? It must be SO good to finally begin to relax a little.

Laura's mom

Jane said...

Beautiful Kids! Glad things are going well.

My experience with the oldest acting up is that is any time of change. So when the baby came home, and then when baby starts to crawl and move, eating in a high-chair, walk, or those types of milestones - it changes our interactions with the baby which "interferes" with the oldest's sense of normal. These were fairly short-lived reactions for us, and definitely easier to pinpoint with hind-sight! :)

Carol Rickenbrode said...

We are so happy to see that things are going well. Stian and Silje will be just fine. He will be her protector as they get older. Beautiful pictures of them both!
Thanks for keeping us all in the loop.