Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sleepy Head

Silje turns 6 weeks old tomorrow! On the one hand I can't believe she is already six weeks old, but on the other we've been through so much in her short little life it seems longer than that.

Here's just a cute picture of her sleeping on my shoulder this evening. This is her new favorite way to be held.

And here she is napping the other day. It amazes me that she doesn't need to be swaddled. I swaddled her the first few nights we were home and she kept working at least one, if not both arms out of the swaddle. So I quit bothering with it and she sleeps fine without it. Of course I bought all these really nice muslin swaddling blankets that I'm not using now. Ah well, we'll find another use for them.


Grandma Loftus said...

She's just like her mother was at her age!! I'm so glad :)

laurafingerson said...

So cute! I held Sunniva that way for bazillions of hours. So nice! Congrats on 6 weeks! That is huge. Awesome on Stian's new pool. What's with kids and water?! Silje still seems awfully laid back -- hooray! Cutie outfits on Silje, too..... :)