Monday, June 6, 2011

Sink or Swim

We have several day’s worth to update. First, on Saturday my parents brought Stian down and we went to another nice park in Indianapolis. It was quite hot but we had a nice time anyway.

Then when it was time for my parents to go home, Kris headed up to Battle Ground to spend a couple of night at home. My mom has pictures up on her blog of his time up there, here is just one:

Kris headed home because my friend Laura flew down for 24 hours to visit. It was nice for Kris to have a break from the hospital and to spend some time with our little boy, and it was so nice for me to see Laura and have her entertain me.

As for Silje, she has been doing well. The results of her echo came back that the effusion is still gone. She has been eating pretty well, but still takes some food through the nose. Her neonatologist came in this afternoon and said she had a brilliant idea, we’re going to pull her nose tube and see if she sinks of swims. She said that Silje is taking about 90% of her food by mouth, she’s a good-sized baby, and she will probably do fine. So we’re going to try a couple of days of her taking all of her food by mouth and see if she gains weight. Before they were giving her 65 ml when they gave her a bottle, but now we will give her as much food as she can eat and not worry about it. So if she only takes 50 ml at one feeding we’ll hope she makes up for it at another feeding by taking 80 ml. So we will see how it goes and hope that she is able to gain weight doing this. If she does then maybe they will finally send us home!

In the meantime, we’ll get to look at our little girl without something taped to her face!


Auntie Karin said...

She can do it!!! I just know she can :)

laurafingerson said...

I'm holding yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream with a little cutie baby girl inside! ;) She was so alert, it was great.

Oooo, and that playground Stian went to has that big spider web net thing! My girls love that. It was a great challenge since they could play on the bottom parts when they were smaller and then slowly got braver and now can go to the top. Playgrounds are so cool. said...

Such good news!! And I'm sure she is a swimmer!!
David and Leanne

Anonymous said...

We are delighted. Go Silje!

Laura's mom

Sasha said...

Think of your often and glad things are getting better!!!!Hope you all will be home soon!!


Carol Rickenbrode said...

Yes!! Homeward bound is the next big step in Silje's saga! We look forward to hearing the good news!!
Love and Hugs!