Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Break - Wisconsin

Then we headed up to my parents' house. We aren't usually up that way this time of year. It was fun to be there in the fall for the first time in a long time.

We were there for a few days before Wayne and Nate came.

Stian played "car show" with Grandma - one of their favorite activities.

This is Claire the cat - Stian's most favorite stuffed animal and "best friend" - he adores her.

Silje plays "Sooooo big!" with Grandpa.

Wayne and Nate arrive!

Apple picking! Grandma and Grandpa left a bunch of the lower down apples on the trees so the boys could pick apples. They were very yummy! Stian loves apples. He says they are his favorite food. Although he has decided he prefers them peeled (or "skinned" as he calls it), which is a bit of a pain. He was helping me make Norwegian apple cake recently and ate the left over apples that I had peeled to put in the cake, and he decided they were better than with the skin on.

These masks featured prominently this weekend. They have long been a favorite of Nate's but now Stian thinks they are pretty cool too.

Stian wanted to go fishing so Grandpa helped him. He still didn't catch a fish though. Perhaps ice fishing this winter? (prepare yourself Grandpa!)

We tried to get a family picture with my family too. We wandered around trying to find just the right spot.

This is probably the best group shot. It's okay, but both boys are making goofy faces. Of course, they are usually making goofy faces, so I guess it looks like them. Perhaps we'll try again at Thanksgiving.

We did get a nice picture of Wayne and Nate though.

And a nice picture of the four of us.


Carol Rickenbrode said...

Oh, how we love seeing your family. Hopefully one of these days we can see you all in person.
Thanks for sharing with us Jeni!

laurafingerson said...

All the photos are so nice! The colors are beautiful.