Monday, October 3, 2011

Silje's Heart

Silje had an appointment with her cardiologist about a week and a half ago. The news wasn't particularly good. She had an echo and a couple of the issues the cardiologist had been concerned about before - in particular the pulminary arteries - are no longer an issue. So that was good. But unfortunately the site of the repair she had during her open heart surgery is too narrow because of scar tissue. She is getting decreased blood flow to the lower part of her body and very high blood pressure in the upper part of her body. We were told this could happen, but were hoping that it wouldn't.

So what this means is that Silje will be admitted to the hospital in Indianapolis on Thursday morning of this week and undergo a cardiac catheterization with balloon catheter dilation to essentially rip that scar tissue open. There is some risk involved, but it is, of course, much lower risk than the open heart surgery she has already undergone. We are still nervous. I'm more nervous than Kris, he feels pretty confident all will be fine. If all goes well she will spend one night in the hospital and come home the next day. (I can stay with her in her room over night) She should only need to have this procedure done once; once that scar tissue pops open, it stays open.

So keep her in your thoughts on Thursday morning.


Charlene said...

Already praying for a quick recovery.

Grandma Loftus said...

You'll be in our thoughts tomorrow and we will be sending very strong and positive vibes your way -- you are all in our hearts always.

Love, Grandma