Monday, July 7, 2008

Itasca and a Banquet

On Saturday we went to the headwaters of the Mississippi with Karin, Brad and Klebo. The forest at Itasca State Park is goregous - so thick and lush. Unfortunately it was rainy while we were there. Although it only sprinkled on us while we were down at the headwaters, it didn't start pouring until we were done. The mosquitos were out of control though - millions. Yuck! They've had a lot of rain up there this year and the mosquitos are thriving!

Here's Klebo walking across the Mississippi:

Saturday evening was the Nordlandslaget banquet. Kris, Stian and I donned our Norwegian bunads (traditional Norwegian costumes). Kris's mom, Betsy, made all of them. I've never had the opportunity to wear mine before. And unfortunately I didn't get to wear it for very long.

Stian was very grumpy during dinner, so our friend Tove (the dean at Skogfjorden) offered to walk him around and entertain him while Kris and I ate dinner. But Stian was just grumpy and didn't last very long. So we went back to our hotel room and Stian and I changed into more comfortable clothes and he nursed, and then he was happier.

But before we left we got one family picture of us all decked out. You can't see in this picture just how pretty my bunad is.

We are such Norsky nerds! ;)

After Stian and I returned to the party in our more comfy clothes Stian was much happier. So we had a chance to visit with some of our friends who had come to the banquet. And Stian got to chat with his Auntie Karin. I love this picture. It just looks like he's telling her all his secrets.

After the banquet I put Stian to bed like I normally do with his massage and his stories. He loves his books. This one is a particular favorite: Click, Clack, Moo.

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

Cuuuuuute in the bunads! And Stian is too cute in that dino sleepsuit!