Monday, July 14, 2008

Mystery Solved!

So I guess aliens haven't snatched my happy, pleasant little baby and replaced him with a screaming, unhappy, non-sleeping pod baby. I was really quite sure that must have been what happened. But I happened to notice something when I got Stian out of his crib after his morning nap. Can you see it?

Kris has the good camera at work, so this was all the further I could zoom in and get a clear picture, so I added the arrow to help.

So at 7 months, 2 weeks and 3 days we have our first tooth!

I had been giving him Baby Tylenol and Baby Mortin last week, suspecting it might be teething, but they didn't seem to help at all, unfortunately. I hope I can find something that helps because he's got a lot more teeth to go! He wears an amber teething necklace, but he can't wear that at night or during naps, and those were his worst times, so I have no idea if it helps at all.

By the way, he had a good day yesterday and a good night last night, and so far a good day today. So maybe now that the tooth has broken through he'll go back to being a happy baby and we'll go back to being happier parents... at least until the next one starts moving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations -- Stian -- on your very first of many new teeth!

Seems to me there used to be something you could put on their gums, called Numzit, that worked pretty well. I don't have any idea if they sell it, or if it's one of those things they've outlawed!!