Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To The Lake!

(by the way, I should mention that we had a pool party at Karin and Brad's on Monday afternoon, but the pictures we took were in a format that I can't view on my computer, so we'll see if we can get that fixed and post a few pictures)

On Thursday we headed up to Spooner to spend a few days with my parents. Wayne and Nathaniel came up for Thursday and Friday as well.

We went for a boat ride in the afternoon. Stian wasn't all that crazy about his life jacket.

Nathaniel got to drive the boat. And more importantly, he got to honk the horn. Over and over and over and over! Yay!

Just as we were docking the boat we got quite the show with four bald eagles flying quite low over the lake right over the dock. It was quite the sight, and very patriotic! :)

1 comment:

laurafingerson said...

How cooooool about the eagles! Too cute seeing Stian in a life vest. Yah, those kid life vests just look so uncomfortable on toddlers and babies. Poor things. Yay that he got to go on a boat!!