Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Pool

We got Stian a bigger pool for this summer. He got into it for the first time tonight. He kept saying "I really like this pool!" and "This is really fun!" so I guess it gets two thumbs up from Stian. It's big enough that Kris got into it with him later. I was making dinner at the time though, so didn't get a picture of that.

Here's Stian filling it up the other night:

And then him playing in it tonight:

(Yes, it even has cup holders! Fancy, no?)

Silje was hanging out in her stroller while Stian played.


Grandma Loftus said...

Looks like a happy day for everyone. Glad Stian likes his pool. He should have a great time in it this summer.

Carol Rickenbrode said...

It is so great to see you all at home doing all the wonderful little things that families do in the summer!
So, so awesome!