Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blueberries, Baseball and Cooing

It's blueberry season! We loaded up early this morning (well, fairly early, we wanted to beat the heat) and went over to the blueberry farm to pick blueberries. We picked quite a few. Kris did most of the picking. I was wearing Silje in a MeiTei, so I was able to pick some, but the mosquitos were pretty bad so she and I went back to the car after a little while. Kris and Stian had bug spray on, but Silje couldn't have any, and I didn't think I ought to while wearing her. We didn't bother with the big camera, so I just snapped a few pictures with the iphone. Stian put as many blueberries that he had picked into his mouth as he did in his bucket. Kris gave the farmer a little extra money to pay for those!

We had a busy day. After blueberry picking we went to the farmers' market, then the library, then the grocery store, then home for a nap. After naptime we played outside and went for a walk/bike ride and chatted with a neighbor. Then we went out for Indian food (Stian isn't all that crazy about Indian food, but he loves a Mango Lassi!). After dinner Kris and Stian played baseball. Stian is getting surprisingly good.

We also finally got a little video of Silje "talking" tonight. She'll sit and chat away in your arms, but as soon as you pull out the phone to record her she gets quiet. Tonight she's more complaining than talking. But she does often coo away in a happy little voice. You can hardly blame her for complaining though - she has a bad cold.


Grandma Loftus said...

Adorable - both of them!!! Wayne was a chatterer too -- and also was quiet when we got a recorder out -- let me know when she says Obidee. I tried to teach it to Nathaniel and Stian, but without any luck. said...

I just looked after not for awhile. All the pics are darling.
Maybe we will get to see you when you are in MN.
David and Leanne