Saturday, July 2, 2011

More new family

Wayne and Nate drove up to see us at Karin and Brad's yesterday evening. So Silje got to meet her uncle and her cousin. And Stian and Nate got to play legos together. We also all went out for Chinese food. It was nice to get a chance to see them while we are up here. We plan to come up again later in the summer and hopefully we'll get to see Wayne and Nate again, this time at my parents' house. But it was nice that we got to spend the evening with them yesterday.

I like how Silje is looking at Nate in this one:

It's too bad this picture is blurry as it's the only one we got of the boys playing together. They were having fun though. And yes, Stian is wearing his ear protectors. There was a storm coming. He wore them all evening, even at the restaurant. They have become a bit of a security blanket for him. We did get a pretty nasty storm last night though, so it's better to have him wearing them than to have him screaming and crying and scared to death of the storm. I didn't really notice if he got any funny looks at the restaurant. I'm so used to seeing him wearing them that it doesn't seem odd to me!

1 comment:

Grandma Loftus said...

I'm so glad you got to spend the evening together. We look forward to our whole family being together here later this summer. Love you ALL!