Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Silje and I have been practicing sitting (her more than me, I've had sitting mastered for awhile) to build up those core muscles.

Here she was yesterday. She thought it was pretty darn hilarious.

I thought she was still a long way from sitting on her own yesterday. But she felt a little more stable today, so I let go. Voila! Okay, so she can only sit unassisted for a few seconds, and only if you place her just right so she's balancing her weight just so. But still, it's a start!

I couldn't pick which photo to use, so I'm putting in all three. I thought she looked so cute and so pleased with herself.

Handy that I just happened to have the iphone with me. Too bad she was pretty much done sitting by the time I went and got the good camera. I did get one more picture with the good camera though - but the setting wasn't quite right. Ah well. Thank goodness for the iphone!


Charlene said...

Adorable. Most talented baby!

Grandma Loftus said...

This was the point when your big brother gave you something to play with while you were sitting up. I never even thought of it - but your 2 1/2-year-old brother had it all figured out!

She is beautiful, as always - and darling in that dress. Did you make it?

laurafingerson said...

Aw, learning to sit up is SO CUTE! I remember watching my girls slowly topple over, it was hilarious. Sitting must be amazing for a baby. All of a sudden, the whole world has shifted by 90 degrees!

Congratulations on being such a successful sitter for nearly 37 years, by the way.