Friday, January 14, 2011

Update on Potty Training

Just a little update, the potty training is going amazingly well. Much, much better than I expected. On Saturday, our first day, he had I think 5 accidents in the first two hours (apparently he has my bladder), but I don't think he had any more accidents that day. I believe he had one accident on Sunday, and he hasn't had any since. He's still in a diaper for naptime and overnight, I just don't think he's ready physiologically for that yet. I was chatting with his teacher about it and she said he might be ready to try naptime diaperfree, but she said most kids his age are still in diapers overnight. So we'll see. We might try naptime in a week or two, but he still needs his naps so badly I hate to mess with them (he isn't napping well at school because of one of his classmates who is noisy all through naptime, so if Stian gets the chance to sleep I want him to be able to do it). And he is using the potty plenty the rest of the day, so he's not holding it waiting for naptime or bedtime to roll around. He's even pooped in the potty two days in a row now! I know he was a little scared to do that, so I'm so happy he is doing it now too. I'm so proud of him. I guess he was really ready and just needed that little push.

1 comment:

Grandma Loftus said...

That's our big boy! Grandma and Grandpa are very proud of him too. Of course, we were proud of him before this too!!